dinsdag 19 april 2011

2011 04 19 08 brief aan Turkish Airlines 7a

2011 04 19 08  Brief aan Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines
 Turkish Airlines General Management Building Ataturk Airport, Yesilkoy 34149 Istanbul Turkey
customer@thy.com <customer@thy.com>

Drachten, 19 april 2011.

Dear sirs,

When we arrived op Ataturk airport on zaterday apil 16. we looked at the monitors to find our flicht. Nr TK1953 to Amsterdam, we only found the number, nothing further.
The time to fligt was 1355 en we were at the airport at .
We dit not find anny further information, al the inscheqk offices only meld Turkish airlines, no flights numbers of destinations, so we waited en god something to eat.
Lateron we looked again en after our flight stood: ‘’ Wait in Lounge’’, so we wait.
Bud the time paste and I asked on the information wick office was for out flight to Amsterdam, and they told us we could take any office.
We entered the Que.
This took much time, only a few offices were open en after half a hour we were still far from the offices., so I asked a officer.
The took us out the line and brought us to an other office, and the officer told us: ‘’Gate is closed’’.
That was time 1310, 45 minutes from take off. So we asked of there was a possibility to get our flight en wat the reason was that we had to wait, so on the monitors stood.
Before us was a lady whit a big backpack as suitcase and this backpack stuck on the transport band, the officer spend al lot of time to solve this problem, then he leave us for other things en when he came back he told us we could go to the manager, higher officer beneath hum, bud he also said:’’ gate is closed sir’’. And told us to go to the ticket office to chance out ticket.
We had no chause and wend to this office.
The lady told us we could not chance out ticket and we had to buy a new one, cost more than 1100 TL. And we had to wait for another 6 our.
The only possibility we had was to agree en paid again for the ticked.
Then we chequed in en went too the customs en there we saw the name lounge on the information tablets and a part of the problem were clear to us.
We saw the last people leave to flight TK 1953.
Reason for my klacht:
Why was not on the monitors the information ‘’chequ in’’
Why was not a flight number by the offices we could chequ in, in stad of only’’Turkish airlines’’
When we asked wick office we need for amstradam that officer had to tell us that we were late and helped us to get the plane van 1355 .
Whit a little help we had couth our plane , 45 minutus is enough time to fix the customs and our suitcases., I supose
I can understand that jour company likes to sell a new ticked, bus leaves me with no good feelings about Turkish Airlines.

Jours faitfully

Mr ans ms F. J. Eizema
Ropta 35
9202 KE Drachten
The Netherlands.

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